Work Accident Claims and Insolvency: A whistlestop tour A range of issues are thrown up in a work accident claim where either the claimant or defendant becomes insolvent. Less common, but it does come up in work accident claims is the insolvency of the claimant…
As well as the Deka Legal Bake, last week witnessed the publication of the updated ASHE and a further judgment on the subject of jurisdiction, which seems to be a growth area in satellite litigation, perhaps unsurprisingly given the effect of Exit Day. For those…
Costs Judge Leonard sitting in the Senior Courts Costs Office in London Victoria Insurance Co Ltd v (1) Kamar Abbas Khan and Others [2022] EWHC B8 had to decide several preliminary issues in a detailed assessment of the costs of the Claimant and the Second…
Gaurang Naik represented the family before Asst Coroner Caroline Topping, at the Inquest touching on the death of Catherine Robinson, aged 32, a mother of 2. The Asst Coroner found that Catherine, who suffered from depression and anxiety, sadly committed suicide contributed by the neglect…
In a tragic and difficult case concerning the death of a 35 year old woman, Gaurang Naik assisted with securing a settlement for the family a day before trial. In this note, Gaurang explains the details of the case. At approximately 9:00 am on 14th…
Gaurang secured substantial settlement for the estate of a young boy Najeeb, aged 15, in this tragic and complex case on causation. Najeeb collapsed in a gym at school and the first paramedic on arrival misinterpreted the initial rhythm as non-schockable at about 10:12am. An…
The Claimant was delivering large stone slabs weighing about 350kg using a flatbed truck fitted with an A-frame upon which the slabs were loaded for delivery.
Deka Chambers: 5 Norwich Street, London EC4A 1DR