We are committed to administering an application process which invites and facilitates applications from as wide a range of candidates as possible.
The more applications we receive, from the more people, the more rigorous our process and the more likely it is that we will select the best people. We have spent many years trying to refine and improve our approach.
Over the years we have selected for interview, and recruited, candidates from a variety of backgrounds and with a variety of characteristics. We do not try to select people who ‘fit’ anyone’s stereotypical idea of a barrister; indeed, there is no such thing.
We mark application forms on an anonymous basis and (as set out on the details of the application process) we strongly discourage the inclusion of identifying features and protected characteristics on the forms. Where such details are read, they are specifically discounted (save to the extent that they are directly relevant to the criteria against which an application is marked, which is rare but conceivable).
At every stage of the process (including the pre-interview stage), we are open to considering and making reasonable adjustments to ensure the full and meaningful participation of candidates with particular requirements. If you wish to request an adjustment (or to discuss the process so that you may identify whether an adjustment is required), please contact us at pupillage@dekachambers.com so that we can speak to you about it. In the past, as non-exhaustive examples, we have permitted extra time for preparation, adjusted the layout of the interviewing room, permitted video interviews, and given reassurance that certain matters will not be taken into account in the marking process. We are willing to consider other reasonable accommodations to make sure that each candidate can make their best application.
We have recently significantly increased the amount of information permanently available on our website about the pupillage process, in part to allow candidates to identify whether, and what, adjustments they might wish to seek. We have done this after an internal review of our systems and after hearing from specialist groups with interest and expertise in this field.
Deka Chambers produces access information about the building (which is fully accessible including to wheelchair users). This information is sent with interview invitations, but if you wish to know more at an earlier stage please contact us at pupillage@dekachambers.com.
After submitting your personal details and your application form through our online system, you will be asked to complete an equality, diversity and inclusion (“EDI”) form. The EDI form is not part of your application: it is for monitoring purposes only. Your responses will be anonymised and stored confidentially and securely. The legal profession is committed to increasing diversity at the Bar and your answers will help to measure its success. We do recognise, however, that the questions can appear very personal and intrusive and you don’t have to answer them.
The categories on the EDI form have been informed by Bar Council, BSB and ACAS guidance. Please note that in some cases the first option in each category may be selected by default, so if you do not wish to complete a question please ensure you have actively selected the ‘prefer not to say’ option.
We are committed to equality of opportunity and have a serious and robust commitment to ensuring that no candidate is at a disadvantage because of his or her background. As well as using the EDI data to monitor our success at attracting applications, we are required by the Bar Standards Board (“BSB”) to publish diversity data. Diversity data in relation to any characteristic where there is a real risk that individuals could be identified (where fewer than 10 people have that characteristic) will not be published.
Deka Chambers: 5 Norwich Street, London EC4A 1DR