Tara Vindis started life in chambers as a common law barrister, undertaking all aspects of civil and criminal work notably personal injury, clinical negligence and fraud and family.

Over the last few years Tara has specialised in family law and her busy practice concentrates on children, principally in complex public and private law disputes. She is instructed by applicant local authorities,  children’s guardians, parents and intervenors in all types of serious cases including alleged radicalisation, grave allegations of sexual assault or non-accidental injury and death and those involving international elements.  She is able to marshal large volumes of material and produce focused written arguments. She has considerable experience in dealing with professional witnesses and medical evidence and experts, given her successful  background in personal injury and clinical negligence.

Tara is also instructed in all aspects of Court of Protection work and to advise in relation to evidence and attend Inquests.

She is able to accept instructions through Direct Access.

Her clients consider her to be thorough, diplomatic and calm.  Tara is often required to advise on the way forwards in difficult cases and tenaciously argue her client’s position.

Tara is often instructed on the most serious and complex family cases where there are international elements such as jurisdiction and forced marriage, allegations of radicalisation, sexual abuse and serious or fatal injuries to babies and children involving complex medical evidence.

Notable Family Law cases

  • Re KL

    Representing the mother (together with leading counsel) in a serious High Court case concerning her baby following the death of his older sibling who was living with the mother and her partner. The 18m old had a number of other injuries alongside those that resulted in his fatality. The mother and intervenor face serious charges (the police investigation continues) including murder. A four week fact finding hearing took place in July and following the Court of Appeal’s decision for the HC Judge to recuse herself a second 3 week fact finding hearing concluded in December 2020. Nine medical professionals gave evidence with 30 witnesses in total.

  • Re B

    Instructed on behalf of the father who has mild learning difficulties and uses cannabis. At the final hearing in March 2019 the Father successfully argued for an adjournment of the Placement Order application (Local Authority not supporting rehabilitation) to consider rehabilitation. At the final hearing in January 2020, the judge ruled the father out. The Court of Appeal granted the father permission to appeal and 2 days before the appeal was listed in March 2020, the appeal was conceded with the child finally returning to her family after a further (third) final hearing in June 2020.

  • Re K

    Represented a father in a non-accidental injury case. Four month old baby suffered a metaphyseal ankle fracture, rib fracture and facial injuries in the care of his parents and serious allegations of domestic violence were made by mother against the father. The FFH took place over 7 days in ealy 2019 and then a further 7 days later that year to test the parents’ assertion that the tibial fracture had occurred in the course of venepuncture procedure at hospital. Evidence was heard from a Consultant Paediatric radiologist, Consultant Paediatrician and from treating clinicians. Both parents found in pool. The proceedings finally concluded in January 2021.

  • Re K

    Representing the mother (who has learning difficulties and needs the support of an intermediary) who together with her partner face serious allegations of inflicting a severe head injury on the mother’s toddler in April 2020. Findings are also sought in relation to multiple bruises and other historic injuries found on the child, and the case is pleaded in the alternative that the mother failed to protect her child from her abusive partner. Evidence has been obtained from a paediatric neurosurgeon, paediatric ophthalmologist and a paediatrician and the fact finding hearing is listed for June 2021. There are concurrent criminal proceedings.

  • Re J

    Tara represented a father (a professional) who faced serious allegations of harming his disabled child (causing a brain injury) who had a rare condition making his condition complex. The medical evidence was extremely complicated. Together with leading counsel who also represented him at the final hearing the LA were persuaded to withdraw the proceedings and the Court agreed agreeing to recitals ensuring that both parents had been cleared of any wrong doing and allowing the family to finally be reunited.

Tara is instructed on all aspects of Court of Protection work.

Notable Court of Protection cases

  • Re T

    Representing the LA in a case in which the protected persons’ father was self representing and who was extremely difficult and non-cooperative.

  • Re FAH

    Representing a local authority where the protected person wished to move to another country.

Tara is often instructed on behalf of local authorities in respect of vulnerable adults or children who have died

Notable Inquests cases

  • Re Child X

    Advised and represented the LA in relation to their lessons learned document and at the hearing.


“When I instruct Tara I am confident my clients will receive the highest level of representation and be presented by a barrister who will be committed to their case.”

Chambers and Partners 2025

“Tara is amazing to work with. She's always professional, but also able to put the client at ease and gain their trust.”

Chambers and Partners 2025

“Tara is forensic and someone you always want to have on your side.”

Chambers and Partners 2025

“Tara is very experienced and a pleasure to work with. She has a calm and measured approach that works brilliantly when negotiating with the other side. At court her arguments are well reasoned and easy to follow.”

Chambers & Partners 2024

“Tara is excellent. She is a robust advocate who remains calm and measured even in the most challenging situations. She is a go-to barrister for cases involving physical abuse of children due to her medical knowledge and detailed grasp of complex medical evidence.”

Legal 500 2024

“Tara Vindis is extremely compassionate with lay clients. She's great to work with as a solicitor and is always there to offer advice and talk through cases. She has great knowledge of relevant issues and is very good with judges.”

Chambers & Partners 2023

“Tara has strong advocacy skills and is always well prepared. She's excellent at managing difficult clients in cases with heightened emotions.”

Chambers & Partners 2023

“Tara’s case preparation is second to none, she is on top of the detail of even the largest bundles within hours of instructing her. Clients feel extremely well supported by her, and opponents and Judges respect and listen to her.”

Legal 500 2021

“She is friendly, calm, strong in court, and someone who makes points well. She is always prepared and provides feedback after hearings, which is helpful when trying to move the case on for the client.”

Chambers and Partners 2021

“An experienced advocate.”

Legal 500 2020

“As she is extremely well prepared and someone with an eye for detail, her written work is excellent and her cross-examination of witnesses is brilliant.”

Chambers and Partners 2020

“Her personable manner and style with clients also extends to her opponents. It's disarming and enables her to achieve results she might not have been able to achieve with a harsher approach.”

Chambers and Partners 2020

“Tara's case preparation is second to none.”

Legal 500 2021

“Opponents and judges respect and listen to her.”

Legal 500 2021

“Friendly, calm, strong in court and makes points well.”

Chambers and Partners 2021

“Her written work is excellent and her cross examination of witnesses is brilliant.”

Chambers and Partners 2020

“A real heavyweight barrister.”

Chambers and Partners 2019

Regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB)

Regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and holds a current practising certificate.

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Regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB)

Regulated by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) and holds a current practising certificate.

View my privacy policy.

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© Deka Chambers 2025


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