In their webinar yesterday Richard Cherry of 1 Chancery Lane and Arfan Bhatti of Oliver Fisher Solicitors questioned what certainty landlords and tenants now have in relation to s21 Possession Claims.
They looked at the situation now the Supreme Court has refused permission to appeal the Court of Appeal decision in Trecarell House v Rouncefield, and gave a brief background to the case, considering what impact this latest decision is likely to have.
If you missed it, you can view it here:
The holidays are over, and the Dekagram is back! We hope that all our readers have enjoyed a well-earned rest and have returned refreshed and ready for another exciting year of litigating. And what better way to start things off than to attend the Deka…
Eleanor Mawrey has been interviewed by Sonia Simms for The Advocacy Tutor Brief. Spotlight on Eleanor Mawrey Eleanor Mawrey is a barrister at Deka Chambers. She has recently been appointed as a Recorder. Eleanor has extensive experience in criminal and regulatory law and has appeared in…
We are currently accepting applications for pupillage. We will be recruiting up to three pupils to commence in October 2026. We adhere to the central Bar Council timetable so all applications must be submitted by 11.59pm on 6th February 2025. Deka Chambers is a common…
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