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In this webinar Richard Cherry and Robert Parkin consider two of the most common issues for residential landlords and tenants.
They look at issues for those representing landlords and tenants concerning unlawful eviction claims and the possibilities for lawful eviction of occupiers who may lack the full protection of the Housing Act 1988 and/or Protection from Eviction Act 1977.
They also discuss disrepair considering what to look for in a potential claim.
Prevention of Future Death reports (“PFDs”) are an increasingly utilised tool in inquests, by which a coroner can draw attention to matters for which action could be taken to prevent future deaths. In 2023, the number of PFDs issued by coroners increased to 550 reports,…
This week we bring you a further example of the dangers associated with the use of artificial intelligence in litigation, without the tempering effect of any checks or balances. As more and more of these example come to light, we can expect the courts to…
In the Northamptonshire case, the Court of Appeal allowed the Chief Constable’s appeal, holding that the police had not owed a duty of care to warn the claimant that they had received a report that her former partner, who had threatened her with violence, was…
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